Bring the Tropics Home: Shopping for Tree Ferns

Are you looking to bring the tropics into your home? Tree ferns are the perfect way to do so! These lush, leafy plants can bring a touch of the exotic to any room and give it a vibrant and tropical feel. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also surprisingly easy to care for. Shopping for tree ferns can be a fun and exciting experience, as there is a vast selection of varieties to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a small, compact variety or a larger, more dramatic tree fern, you’ll be able to find one to fit your home and style. Read on to learn more about how to shop for tree ferns and to discover which varieties will work best for your space.

Bring the Tropics Home: Shopping for Tree Ferns

Are you looking to bring the tropics into your home? Tree ferns are the perfect way to do so! These lush, leafy plants can bring a touch of the exotic to any room and give it a vibrant and tropical feel. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also surprisingly easy to care for. Shopping for tree ferns can be a fun and exciting experience, as there is a vast selection of varieties to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a small, compact variety or a larger, more dramatic tree fern, you’ll be able to find one to fit your home and style. Read on to learn more about how to shop for tree ferns and to discover which varieties will work best for your space.

Introducing Tree Ferns: What Are They and What Are Their Benefits?

Tree ferns are a type of fern that grows in a tree-like form, usually with a single trunk and large, lush fronds. They are native to tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, such as Southeast Asia, New Zealand, and Australia. They are also a popular choice for landscaping in warm climates. Tree ferns are popular houseplants because they are easy to care for and can add a touch of the exotic to any decor.

Tree ferns are incredibly low maintenance and can be grown in almost any type of soil. They prefer shade and moist soil, but they can also tolerate bright light and dry soil. They are also very hardy and can tolerate temperatures down to 25°F. The fronds of tree ferns can reach up to 8 feet in length, making them a great choice for adding height and drama to any room.

Tree ferns also offer a range of health benefits. They are known for their air purifying properties, as they absorb pollutants from the air and release oxygen. They also increase humidity, which can help to reduce the risk of respiratory issues. Finally, their lush green fronds can help to reduce stress and create a feeling of calm in any room.

Tips for Choosing the Right Tree Fern for Your Home

When shopping for tree ferns, the first step is to consider your space and the look you are trying to achieve. If you are looking for a more subtle, tropical look, then a smaller variety, such as the Australian Tree Fern, is a good choice. If you are looking for something more dramatic and eye-catching, then a larger variety, such as the New Zealand Tree Fern, may be the right choice.

It’s also important to consider the amount of light in the room. If the room has bright, direct light, then a sun-loving variety, such as the Japanese Tree Fern, is a great choice. If the room has more shade, then a shade-loving variety, such as the Australian Tree Fern, is a better choice.

Finally, it’s important to consider the size of the tree fern. Some varieties, such as the New Zealand Tree Fern, can reach heights of up to 8 feet. If you have limited space or a low ceiling, then a smaller variety, such as the Australian Tree Fern, is the better choice.

Understanding Tree Fern Varieties – Popular Types and Their Characteristics

Now that you’ve considered your space and the look you’re trying to achieve, it’s time to start looking at the various tree fern varieties. Here are some of the most popular varieties and their characteristics:

  • The Australian Tree Fern is one of the most popular varieties. It has a compact, upright growth habit and can reach heights of up to 6 feet. It prefers bright light, but can also tolerate low light.
  • The Japanese Tree Fern is another popular variety. It has an upright, pyramid-like form and can reach heights of up to 8 feet. It prefers bright, direct light and moist soil.
  • The New Zealand Tree Fern is an impressive variety. It has a vase-like form and can reach heights of up to 10 feet. It prefers low light and moist soil.
  • The Hawaiian Tree Fern is a smaller variety. It has a compact, rounded form and can reach heights of up to 4 feet. It prefers bright light and moist soil.

Tips for Caring for Your Tree Ferns

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect tree fern for your home, it’s time to start caring for it. Here are some tips to help you keep your tree fern healthy and thriving:

  • Provide plenty of bright, indirect light. Tree ferns prefer bright light and can tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Water regularly. Water your tree ferns when the top inch of soil is dry.
  • Fertilize. Fertilize your tree ferns once a month with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Prune. Prune your tree ferns as needed to keep them looking their best. tree ferns for sale
  • Pest control. Check your tree ferns regularly for signs of pests, such as mealybugs and aphids.

Where to Buy Tree Ferns

Now that you know how to care for your tree ferns, you’ll need to find them! Tree ferns can be found at most garden centers and nurseries, as well as online. When shopping online, make sure to look for a reputable seller with positive reviews.

What Are the Costs of Tree Ferns?

Tree ferns can cost anywhere from $20 to $200, depending on the variety and size. The larger, more dramatic varieties, such as the New Zealand Tree Fern, tend to be more expensive. It’s also important to factor in the cost of shipping when shopping online.

Tips for Planting Tree Ferns

Once you’ve purchased your tree ferns, it’s time to plant them! Here are some tips to help ensure your tree ferns are planted correctly:

  • Choose the right spot. Tree ferns prefer bright, indirect light and moist, well-draining soil.
  • Prepare the soil. Before planting, add some compost or peat moss to the soil for added nutrition.
  • Plant properly. Plant your tree ferns at the same depth they were in their original containers.
  • Water. Water your tree ferns immediately after planting and then water regularly.

Decorating Ideas with Tree Ferns

Tree ferns are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to enhance any decor. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Hang a few fronds in a window or doorway to add a tropical touch.
  • Place a few fronds in a vase or pot to create a unique centerpiece.
  • Place a small tree fern in a corner of the room to add height and drama.
  • Place a few fronds in a basket or planter to create a lush, tropical display.

FAQs About Tree Ferns

Q: How long do tree ferns live?

A: Tree ferns can live for many years if provided with the correct care.

Q: How often should I water my tree ferns?

A: Water your tree ferns when the top inch of soil is dry.

Q: How big do tree ferns get?

A: Tree ferns can range in size from a few feet to over 10 feet tall, depending on the variety.

Q: How do I prune my tree ferns?

A: Prune your tree ferns by carefully cutting away any dead or damaged fronds.


Tree ferns are a beautiful and exotic plant that can bring a touch of the tropics into any home. They are surprisingly easy to care for and can add height and drama to any room. Shopping for tree ferns can be a fun experience, as there is a vast selection of varieties to choose from. With the right care, your tree ferns will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.

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